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Overview of Continuing Education divisions and course offerings
You can view our Continuing Education Catalog by selecting "Programs" at the top of our website and selecting "Continuing Ed & Workforce".
For the most up-to-date class schedule, visit abtech.edu/ce/registration. Registration instructions are available on that page.
The Continuing Education Frequently Asked Questions page is also a great resource for students getting started in Continuing Education classes.
Continuing Education (also known as Office of Economic and Workforce Development) offers classes and training through the following divisions:
In addition to educational offerings, the five divisions also provide assessment, consultation and technical assistance for businesses, industries, and public and private sector agencies.
For any additional questions about Continuing Education classes, call (828) 398-7903 or email ce@abtech.edu.
Key Words: Continuing Education, Con Ed, CE, courses, classes, training, programs, Office of Economic and Workforce Development, Fire Service, EMS, Occupational and Public Service, Emergency Services Academy, Community Enrichment, Basic Skills