Free Printable Travel Expense Report Templates [Excel, PDF, Word]

Navigating the financial labyrinth of travel expenses can be a daunting task. In this article, we explore the ins and outs of creating a comprehensive Travel Expense Report. These reports, crucial for businesses and employees alike, ensure transparency, accuracy, and efficiency when handling travel-related expenditures.

As the compass to your financial journey, a well-prepared report not only streamlines the reimbursement process but also serves as a tool for cost management and budgetary control. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a beginner in the world of expense reporting, this guide offers step-by-step instructions, best practices, and expert tips to help you manage your travel expenses with ease and precision.

Table of Contents

What is a Travel and Expense report?

Travel Expense Report

A Travel and Expense (T&E) report is a detailed document that records all costs incurred by an employee during business travel. This could include expenses such as airfare, hotel accommodations, meals, transportation (like car rentals or taxi fares), and other incidental expenses necessary for conducting business.

The T&E report serves a dual purpose; it provides a record for the employee to seek reimbursement from their company, and it offers the company an audit trail for accounting and tax purposes. Well-documented and accurate T&E reports are essential for maintaining financial transparency, managing business costs, ensuring policy compliance, and identifying potential areas of savings.

Travel Expense Report Templates

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Travel Expense Report Templates are organized formats for documenting and tracking expenses incurred during business travel. These templates provide a systematic method to record and categorize costs, facilitating efficient reimbursement and cost management.

Essential components of these templates include fields for the traveler’s name, travel dates, destinations, and purpose of travel. Detailed sections for different types of expenses such as accommodation, meals, transportation, and incidentals are also typically present. Space for attaching or referencing receipts is another common feature.

Travel Expense Report Templates play a significant role in corporate financial management. They provide a standardized way for employees to report travel costs, which aids in accurate reimbursement, financial accounting, and budget planning.

Importance of Travel Expense Report

Travel and Expense (T&E) reports hold significant importance in business operations for a multitude of reasons. These reports help to maintain financial transparency, comply with tax regulations, ensure fiscal responsibility, and manage budgets. Here’s a detailed explanation of why T&E reports are vital:

Financial Transparency

T&E reports provide a clear record of the money spent during business-related travel. By documenting every expenditure, companies can monitor their spending habits, identify irregularities, and keep track of all financial transactions related to travel. This level of transparency is essential for both internal auditing and maintaining trust between the company and its employees.

Regulatory Compliance

On a regulatory level, these reports are crucial for tax purposes. Tax authorities may require evidence of travel-related expenses, particularly when those costs are claimed as deductions. Detailed and accurate T&E reports can serve as proof of these expenses and help businesses comply with tax regulations.


For employees, these reports are important to ensure they’re reimbursed promptly and accurately for any out-of-pocket expenses incurred during business travel. Without a systematic reporting process, employees could be left out of pocket, which could lead to dissatisfaction and potentially impact their work performance.

Budget Management

By analyzing T&E reports, businesses can manage their budgets more effectively. They provide valuable data on where and how travel funds are being spent, enabling organizations to spot trends, identify cost-saving opportunities, and make informed budgetary decisions for future planning.

Policy Compliance and Improvements

T&E reports help ensure that employees are complying with the company’s travel policies. If a report reveals spending that violates the company’s policy, this can be addressed directly with the employee. Alternatively, consistent issues may suggest that the policy itself needs to be reviewed and possibly revised.

Fraud Detection

Regular and thorough examination of T&E reports can help identify fraudulent activities. If certain expenses seem suspicious or out of line with typical spending, the reports provide a trail that can be further investigated.

Business Insights

Finally, T&E reports can offer valuable insights into business operations. For instance, they can reveal which clients or projects are requiring more resources in terms of travel and whether these costs align with the value being derived from those clients or projects.

When and how to submit a travel expense report

The timing of submitting a travel expense report can vary depending on a company’s policy, but it generally should be submitted as soon as possible after the completion of your business trip. Here is a detailed guide on when and how to submit your travel expense report :

During Your Trip: As you travel, make it a habit to keep all receipts for every business-related expense. These receipts serve as proof of your expenses and will be required when filling out your report. It’s also a good idea to note down the business reason for each expenditure to justify the costs.

Immediately After Your Trip: Once your trip has concluded, compile all your expense documentation and start creating your expense report. It is advisable to do this promptly to ensure that the details are still fresh in your mind, thereby minimizing the risk of forgetting or overlooking any expenses.

Compile Your Report: List all your expenses, categorized by type (such as meals, accommodation, transport), along with the corresponding receipts. Include the date, location, total amount, and the business purpose for each expense. Most companies have standard forms or software to simplify this process.

Review and Verification: Double-check all the expenses and their classifications. Ensure that all amounts listed are accurate, and that all receipts are attached. Mistakes can delay the approval process and reimbursement.

Submission: Submit your report promptly to your manager or the finance department, depending on your company’s policy. The faster you submit your report, the sooner you can get reimbursed.

Follow Up: After submission, monitor the status of your report to ensure it’s processed in a timely manner. If there’s any delay or questions regarding your report, be prepared to provide clarifications.

Typically, companies expect employees to submit their T&E reports within a specific timeframe, often within a week or two following the trip. However, it’s always best to check your organization’s specific policies regarding expense reporting and reimbursement. By promptly and accurately preparing and submitting your travel expense report, you ensure smooth processing and prompt reimbursement.

Components of a travel and expense report

A comprehensive Travel and Expense (T&E) report requires a range of key components to ensure it is complete, accurate, and compliant with company policies. Here’s a detailed guide on what to include in your T&E report:

Employee Information

This typically includes your name, employee ID, department, and the period or dates of the travel.

Trip Information

Include details about your travel such as the purpose of the trip, destination(s), and dates. This provides a context for the expenses and may be necessary for categorizing costs or determining tax deductions.

Transportation Costs

This includes all expenses related to travel from one location to another. This can involve airfare, train tickets, bus fare, car rentals, or mileage for using a personal vehicle (reimbursed at the standard rate per mile as defined by your organization or IRS guidelines).

Accommodation Costs

Record the costs for hotels or other accommodation, including taxes and fees. Some companies may require a detailed receipt showing a breakdown of the charges rather than a simplified credit card receipt.

Meal Costs

This includes all costs for food and drinks consumed during the trip. Some companies have a per diem rate, where you’re given a fixed amount per day for meals, while others require itemized receipts for all meals.

Miscellaneous Expenses

These could include costs like taxi fares, car parking, tolls, tips, and other incidental costs incurred during the travel. Again, it’s crucial to keep all the receipts.

Itemized Receipts

Every expense claimed should have an accompanying receipt. These receipts should clearly show the vendor, date, cost, and what was purchased. For expenses without receipts, such as tips, provide a thorough explanation in the report.

Expense Totals

This is where you tally up all the expenses in their respective categories and provide a total cost for the trip.

Report Submission Date

This is the date you complete and submit your report for review or reimbursement.


This space is for signatures or approval dates from managers or supervisors who authorize the expenses. Depending on your company’s policies, this may also involve an area for a finance or HR representative’s approval.

Who is responsible to prepare a travel expense report?

Typically, the individual who incurs the travel-related expenses is responsible for preparing the Travel and Expense (T&E) report. This is usually an employee who has undertaken business travel. The employee is required to accurately record all expenses, attach necessary receipts, and provide relevant details about each expenditure.

Once compiled, they are responsible for submitting the report promptly to their manager, supervisor, or the finance department, as per the company’s policy. However, the ultimate responsibility for ensuring the accuracy and integrity of the T&E report doesn’t rest solely on the employee. Managers and supervisors play a key role in reviewing and approving these reports, ensuring they comply with company policy, and that all expenses are legitimate and correctly documented.

What are some lesser-known categories of expenses that can be claimed during travel?

Travel and Expense (T&E) reports often go beyond the usual categories of airfare, accommodation, and meals. Many additional costs incurred during business travel can be claimed, but they are often overlooked because they are less common or not as well-known. Here’s a detailed guide on some lesser-known expense categories that you can include in your T&E report:

Communications: This includes costs for phone calls, internet access, or data usage that is necessary for conducting business during your trip. If your mobile plan doesn’t cover travel or if you need to purchase a local SIM card or a WiFi package at your hotel, these costs can typically be claimed.

Tips and Gratuities: Many business travelers overlook the small amounts they give as tips to service personnel. This can include tips given to taxi drivers, hotel staff, waiters, and more. While these might seem minor, they can add up over a trip.

Baggage Fees: If your airline charges for checked baggage, or if you have extra charges due to heavy or oversized luggage (such as equipment necessary for your business meeting or trade show), these costs can be included in your T&E report.

Currency Exchange Fees: If you’re traveling internationally, you may incur charges when exchanging your money into the local currency or when using a credit card that has foreign transaction fees. These charges are often overlooked but can be claimed as well.

Laundry and Dry Cleaning: On extended business trips, the cost of laundry or dry cleaning services may be allowable expenses. Check your company’s policy, as some only allow this for trips exceeding a certain duration.

Visa and Passport Expenses: If your travel requires a visa or if you had to expedite a passport renewal specifically for the business trip, these costs could be included in your T&E report.

Travel Insurance: Some companies allow employees to claim for travel insurance, particularly for international travel. This can cover scenarios like trip cancellation, medical emergencies, lost luggage, etc.

Home Office Expenses: While not strictly a travel expense, if you’re working remotely from a location other than your office, you may be able to claim certain costs such as necessary office supplies or printing costs.

Fitness Fees: Some companies recognize the importance of their employees’ health even while traveling and will cover the cost of a gym pass or fitness center fee at the hotel.

Emergency Medical Expenses: If you become ill during your trip and need to seek medical attention, these costs can often be claimed. However, it’s essential to check your company’s policy as this can vary widely.

What can’t be claimed?

While there are many valid expenses that can be claimed during business travel, there are also several types of expenses that typically cannot be claimed, or are disallowed by company policy. These ineligible expenses can include:

Personal Expenses: Any costs incurred for personal activities or items unrelated to business cannot be claimed. This can include personal grooming items, clothing, personal reading material, or costs incurred by family members or friends traveling with you.

Entertainment: While some companies may allow for entertainment expenses under specific circumstances, expenses for personal entertainment like movies, sightseeing, sports events, or other leisure activities are typically not covered.

Alcohol: Depending on the company’s policy, alcohol may not be an allowable expense. Some companies might cover moderate alcohol consumption as part of a meal or business meeting, but others may disallow it completely.

Unapproved Upgrades: If you choose to upgrade your flight to business class or your hotel room to a suite without prior approval, this additional cost is generally not reimbursable.

Travel Fines: Any fines incurred during travel, such as parking tickets, traffic violations, or penalties for lost hotel items, are typically the responsibility of the employee and cannot be claimed.

Non-Emergency Medical Costs: While emergency medical costs might be covered, non-emergency expenses such as routine medications or elective procedures are typically not reimbursable.

Extravagant Expenses: Excessive or lavish expenses that exceed what is necessary and reasonable for the business purpose of the trip are usually not covered. This can include excessively expensive meals, luxury transport services, or unnecessary room services.

Travel Insurance for Personal Items: While travel insurance might be covered, insurance for personal items or equipment is typically not reimbursable.

No-show Fees or Cancellation Fees: Costs for missed flights, hotel no-show fees, or last-minute cancellations without a valid business reason are generally not covered.

How to complete your travel expense report template

Completing a Travel and Expense (T&E) report can seem daunting, but by following the right steps, you can ensure your report is accurate and compliant. Here is a detailed step-by-step guide on how to complete a T&E report template:

Step 1: Gather Your Receipts and Documentation

Collect all your receipts, invoices, and any other documents that verify your travel expenses. Make sure you have records for all transportation, accommodation, meals, and other costs related to the business travel.

Step 2: Review Your Company’s Expense Policy

Familiarize yourself with your company’s T&E policy before starting the report. This policy will outline what expenses are eligible for reimbursement, any spending limits, the documentation required, and how to fill out the report.

Step 3: Fill in Your Personal and Trip Information

In the provided sections of the report, enter your personal details such as name, employee ID, department, and contact information. Also include the purpose, dates, and destination(s) of your trip.

Step 4: List Your Expenses

Itemize your expenses in the appropriate categories such as airfare, hotel, meals, etc. Include the date, location, amount, and purpose for each expense. Some companies use software that can automate this process when you upload receipts.

Step 5: Attach Receipts

Attach the corresponding receipt to each expense. Digital platforms will usually allow you to upload scanned copies or photos of receipts. Make sure each receipt is clear, legible, and contains the necessary information: date, vendor, amount, and what was purchased.

Step 6: Calculate the Total

Once all expenses have been entered, calculate the total cost of the trip. Some templates or software will do this automatically.

Step 7: Review the Report

Go through the report carefully to ensure all the information is correct and that you’ve complied with the company’s expense policy. This includes checking all amounts, ensuring all receipts are attached, and verifying that each expense is legitimate and business-related.

Step 8: Submit the Report

Once you’re satisfied that the report is accurate and complete, submit it to the appropriate party in your company, which may be your manager, a supervisor, or the finance department. Ensure you submit it within the timeframe specified by your company’s policy to avoid delays in reimbursement.

Step 9: Keep a Copy

It’s always a good practice to keep a copy of your completed report and all related receipts until you’ve received reimbursement and for a period afterward in case there are any questions or audits.

Step 10: Monitor and Follow-Up

After submission, keep an eye on the status of your report. If there are any questions or issues, address them promptly to ensure you receive your reimbursement as quickly as possible.


What happens if I lose a receipt?

Company policies vary on this, but generally, you should contact your finance or HR department as soon as possible to ask how to proceed. Some companies allow for a written attestation or a credit card statement as a substitute, but it is best to always try to obtain a duplicate receipt if possible.

How long does it take to get reimbursed after submitting a T&E report?

The time frame for reimbursement can vary from one company to another. It typically depends on the company’s internal processes, the accuracy of your report, and how promptly it was submitted. Generally, companies aim to process reimbursements within a couple of weeks.

Can I include tips or gratuities in my T&E report?

Yes, most companies allow for reasonable tips and gratuities given to service personnel (like wait staff, hotel housekeeping, or taxi drivers) to be included in the T&E report. However, always check your company’s specific policy for any limitations.

What happens if my T&E report includes an expense that violates the company’s policy?

If an expense in your report violates the company’s policy, that particular expense may not be reimbursed. Repeated or serious violations could potentially lead to disciplinary actions, depending on the company’s policy.

Can I include my travel expenses if I extend my business trip for personal reasons?

Only the expenses incurred for the business portion of the trip are typically reimbursable. Any expenses related to personal activities or extensions of the trip for personal reasons are usually the responsibility of the employee.

What is a per diem and how does it work in relation to T&E reports?

A per diem (Latin for “per day”) is a fixed amount of money an organization gives an employee per day to cover travel-related expenses like meals, lodging, and incidental expenses. If your company uses a per diem system, you might not need to provide detailed receipts for these expenses, but you still need to report the number of days for which you are claiming the per diem.

What if my actual expenses exceed the assigned per diem?

If your actual expenses exceed the per diem rate, you will typically be responsible for the extra costs unless you can provide a valid business reason for the overspending and it’s approved by your manager or finance department. Always check your company’s specific policy for details.

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