Mastering APA Style Student Workbook, Seventh Edition
The Mastering APA Style Student Workbook is APA’s official interactive guide to learning APA Style. This all-digital workbook engages users with interactive questions and graded quizzes to help them learn and apply the basic principles of APA Style and scholarly writing.
Presented on VitalSource’s Acrobatiq learning platform, the workbook is rooted in learning science to help students gain mastery of APA Style and become better writers through applied practice. Content written by APA Style experts provides comprehensive coverage of the foundational areas of APA Style, including writing style and grammar, bias-free language, tables and figures, in-text citations, reference lists, and more.
With over 1,000 unique questions and 12 different question types, as well as 28 summative quizzes, the workbook keeps learners engaged and provides scaffolded learning and supportive guidance through practice. Learn more about the workbook and its key features, watch a demo video, try a free sample workbook, and watch on-demand webinars about the workbook on the Mastering APA Style Student Workbook page.
Table of contents
1. Front Matter
2. Getting Started
- About APA Style
- About the Workbook
- Organization and Accessibility of the Workbook
- Instructions for Each Question Type
- Learning Objectives of the Workbook
- Glossary
3. Student Paper Types, Elements, and Format
- Student Paper Types, Elements, and Format Introduction
- Student Papers Versus Professional Papers
- Types and Format of Student Papers
- Annotated Bibliographies
- Student Title Page
- Paper Title
- Author Name (Byline)
- Author Affiliation
- Abstract, Part 1
- Abstract, Part 2
- Text (Body)
- Reference List
- Footnotes
- Importance of Format and Page Order
- Page Header
- Font and Special Characters
- Line Spacing and Margins
- Paragraph Alignment and Indentation
- Paper Length
- Principles of Organization
- Heading Levels, Part 1
- Heading Levels, Part 2
- Section Labels
- Student Paper Types, Elements, and Format Conclusion
4. Writing Style and Grammar
- Writing Style and Grammar Introduction
- Continuity and Flow
- Transitions
- Noun Strings
- Conciseness and Clarity
- Wordiness and Redundancy
- Sentence and Paragraph Length
- Tone
- Contractions, Colloquialisms, and Jargon
- Logical Comparisons and Anthropomorphism
- Verb Tense
- Active and Passive Voice
- Mood
- Subject and Verb Agreement
- Subject and Verb Agreement: Collective Nouns
- Pronouns: “I” and “We”
- Pronouns: Singular “They”
- Pronouns: “Who,” “That,” and “Whom”
- Pronouns: “That” and “Which”
- Subordinate Conjunctions
- Misplaced and Dangling Modifiers
- Parallel Construction
- Strategies to Improve Your Writing
- Writing Style and Grammar Conclusion
5. Bias-Free Language Guidelines
- Bias-Free Language Introduction
- Importance of Specificity in Language
- Importance of Sensitivity to Labels
- Age
- Disability
- Gender Versus Sex
- Cisgender, Transgender, and Gender-Nonconforming Individuals
- Participation in Research
- Racial and Ethnic Identity: General Principles
- Spelling and Capitalization of Racial and Ethnic Terms
- Racial and Ethnic Terms for Region of Origin: African/Black, Asian, and Hispanic or Latino/Latinx
- Racial and Ethnic Terms for Region of Origin: Indigenous and White/European
- Parallel Comparisons Between Racial and Ethnic Groups
- Sexual Orientation: General Principles
- Sexual Orientation: Specific Terms
- Socioeconomic Status (SES): General Principles
- Socioeconomic Status (SES): Specific Terms
- Intersectionality
- Bias-Free Language Conclusion
6. Punctuation, Lists, and Italics
- Punctuation, Lists, and Italics Introduction
- Spacing After Punctuation Marks
- Periods in the Text
- Periods in the Reference List
- Commas and Semicolons in Lists
- Commas and Semicolons With Clauses in Sentences
- Commas and Semicolons in Dates, Statistics, and In-Text Citations
- Colons
- Em Dashes, En Dashes, and Hyphens
- Quotation Marks
- Italics and Quotation Marks
- Parentheses, Brackets, and Slashes
- Lists
- Italics
- Reverse Italics
- Punctuation, Lists, and Italics Conclusion
7. Spelling, Capitalization, and Abbreviations
- Spelling, Capitalization, and Abbreviations Introduction
- Preferred Spelling
- Compound Words
- Hyphenation, Part 1
- Hyphenation, Part 2
- Capitalization: General Principles
- Capitalization for Specific Types of Words Including Proper Nouns, Job Titles, and Diseases and Disorders
- Capitalization of Titles of Tests and Measures, Nouns Followed by Numerals or Letters, and Conditions or Groups in an Experiment
- Title Case and Sentence Case Capitalization, Part 1
- Title Case and Sentence Case Capitalization, Part 2
- Using and Defining Abbreviations
- Plural Abbreviations and Abbreviations at the Beginning of a Sentence
- Abbreviations for Units of Measurement, Statistics, Units of Time, and Latin Terms
- Spelling, Capitalization, and Abbreviations Conclusion
8. Numbers and Statistics
- Numbers and Statistics Introduction
- Numerals and Words to Express Numbers
- Words That Accompany Numbers and Back-to-Back Numerical Modifiers
- Ordinal and Cardinal Numbers
- Decimal Fractions
- Roman and Arabic Numerals
- Large Numbers and Plural Numbers
- Statistical Presentation and Format
- Statistical Symbols and Abbreviations
- Statistical Equations
- Numbers and Statistics Conclusion
9. Tables and Figures
- Tables and Figures Tables and Figures Introduction
- General Guidelines for Tables and Figures
- Placement of Tables and Figures
- Table Components and Format
- Table Contents
- Table Notes
- Sample Tables
- Figure Components and Format
- Figure Visual Characteristics
- Figure Legends and Notes
- Sample Figures
- Tables and Figures Reproduced From Other Sources
- Tables and Figures Conclusion
10. Works Credited in the Text
- Works Credited in Text Introduction
- Appropriate Level of Citation
- Plagiarism
- Self-Plagiarism
- Correspondence Between Reference List and Text
- Primary and Secondary Sources
- Classroom Sources and Personal Communications
- Author–Date Citation System
- Citing Multiple Works in the Text
- In-Text Citations With Missing Authors or Dates
- Citing Parts of a Source in the Text
- Creating Standard In-Text Citations
- Abbreviating Group Author Names in the Text
- Importance of Avoiding Ambiguity in Citations
- Strategies for Avoiding Ambiguity in Citations
- Paraphrases and Quotations: General Principles
- Quotation Format
- Quotations Without Page Numbers
- Works Credited in Text Conclusion
11. Reference List
- Reference List Introduction
- Purpose of the Reference List
- Reference Categories
- Four Elements of Reference List Entries
- Punctuation Within Reference List Entries
- Accuracy and Consistency in References
- Author Element: Definition
- Author Element: Basic Formats
- Author Element: Special Formats
- Author Element: Group Authors
- Author Element: No Author
- Date Element: Definition
- Date Element: Basic Formats
- Date Element: Updated Dates and Retrieval Dates
- Date Element: No Date
- Title Element: Definition
- Title Element: Basic Formats
- Title Element: Bracketed Descriptions
- Title Element: No Title
- Source Element: Definition
- Source Element: Omitting Repetitive Information
- Source Element: Periodicals
- Source Element: Books and Edited Book Chapters
- Source Element: Databases and Archives
- Source Element: Conference Presentations
- Source Element: Social Media and Webpages
- Source Element: DOIs vs. URLs
- Source Element: DOI and URL Format
- Source Element: No Source
- Reference Variations
- Reference List Format
- Reference List Order: Basics
- Reference List Order: Same Authors and/or Dates
- Abbreviations in Reference List Entries
- Reference List Conclusion
12. Summative Quizzes
Student Paper Types, Elements, and Format Summative Quizzes
- Quiz: Student Papers Quiz 1: Paper Types and Elements
- Quiz: Student Papers Quiz 2: Paper Format
- Quiz: Student Papers Quiz 3: Paper Organization
Writing Style and Grammar Summative Quizzes
- Quiz: Writing Style Quiz 1: Continuity and Flow
- Quiz: Writing Style Quiz 2: Conciseness and Clarity
- Quiz: Writing Style Quiz 3: Verbs and Pronouns
- Quiz: Writing Style Quiz 4: Sentence and Paper Construction
Bias-Free Language Summative Quizzes
- Quiz: Bias-Free Language Quiz 1: General Guidelines
- Quiz: Bias-Free Language Quiz 2: Specific Terms
Punctuation, Lists, and Italics Summative Quizzes
- Quiz: Punctuation, Lists, and Italics Quiz 1: Punctuation
- Quiz: Punctuation, Lists, and Italics Quiz 2: Lists
- Quiz: Punctuation, Lists, and Italics Quiz 3: Italics
Spelling, Capitalization, and Abbreviations Summative Quizzes
- Quiz: Spelling, Capitalization, and Abbreviations Quiz 1: Spelling
- Quiz: Spelling, Capitalization, and Abbreviations Quiz 2: Capitalization
- Quiz: Spelling, Capitalization, and Abbreviations Quiz 3: Abbreviations
Numbers and Statistics Summative Quizzes
- Quiz: Numbers and Statistics Quiz 1: Numbers
- Quiz: Numbers and Statistics Quiz 2: Statistics
Tables and Figures Summative Quizzes
- Quiz: Tables and Figures Quiz 1: Tables
- Quiz: Tables and Figures Quiz 2: Figures
Works Credited in Text Summative Quizzes
- Quiz: Works Credited in Text Quiz 1: General Guidelines
- Quiz: Works Credited in Text Quiz 2: In-Text Citations
- Quiz: Works Credited in Text Quiz 3: Paraphrases and Quotations
Reference List Summative Quizzes
- Quiz: Reference List Quiz 1: General Guidelines
- Quiz: Reference List Quiz 2: Author Element
- Quiz: Reference List Quiz 3: Date Element
- Quiz: Reference List Quiz 4: Title Element
- Quiz: Reference List Quiz 5: Source Element
- Quiz: Reference List Quiz 6: Reference List Format and Order
13. Back Matter
Reviews and awards
This is an excellent companion to learning and using APA Style. Highly recommended.
—ALA Choice
Book details
Format: Ebook
Publication date: September 2021
ISBN: 978-1-4338-4211-5
Item #: 3842115
Part of the APA Style Series
Mastering APA Style Student Workbook + Concise Guide to APA Style
• Best option for undergraduate students and those new to APA Style
• Full ebook and workbook with hints linking directly to Concise Guide sections
Mastering APA Style Student Workbook + Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association
• Best option for upper level students, professionals, and copyeditors
• Full ebook and workbook with hints linking directly to Publication Manual sections
Course adoption
Want to adopt the workbook for your course or workshop?
- Explore the Learning Dashboard for instructors.
- Email the APA Sales Team with your questions or to learn more about the adoption process.
- Request a free 60-day instructor trial for full access to the Mastering APA Style Student Workbook.
- Visit the Course Adoption Instructions page for the workbook for step-by-step instructions on how to access the portal and begin the course adoption process.
- All adoption requests must be received at least 30 days prior to the start of the course for LMS integration, or 7 days prior to the start of the course when not LMS integrated. An APA representative will follow up via email to begin the adoption process.
- The 60-day instructor trial includes the full workbook and the Publication Manual. Please allow a few days for fulfillment.
Students and instructors
Purchasing for your course? You may need a course code. Please see course instructions before purchasing.
Considering adopting for your course? Sign up for a free 60-day instructor trial. Connect with your partnership manager to adopt and access features like the Gradebook and Learning Dashboard.
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