California city planning commission

The planning commission is established to perform planning and zoming functions on behalf of the City as required by state law and as assigned by the City Council.

The functions of the Planning Commission shall be as follows:

Study and make recommendations to the Council regarding the General Plan , and make findings of consistency;

Develop and make recommendations to the Council regarding specific plans ;

Advise the Council regarding the city's proposed capital improvement program for consistency with the city's General Plan ;

Assist, advise and make recommendations to the Council regarding the City's zoning code and land use regulations;

Recommend to the Council actions to be taken on proposed projects, or take final action on projects as authorized by this Code or state law;

Hear and determine all applications for site plans , use permits, variances, lot splits, or other land use permits or approvals. Where final decision on a land use matter is vested in the Council, the Planning Commission shall make a recommendations to the Council for its consideration;

Hear appeals of matters authorized in this Code to be appealed to the Planning Commission ; and

Undertake other duties as provided by state law or as assigned by the Council.


The Planning Commission meets on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of every month at 6:00 pm.

View live meetings, agendas and recordings on Granicus Link



Jay Dunham

(661) 752-3448

Vice Chair

(661) 752-3355


Lelainy Saavedra


Commiss ioner

(661) 75 2-3446



David Brottlund